What We Do


Quality Daycares

Corporate Daycares

The case for on-site childcare services is simple. Research has established that quality on-site day care services result in less absenteeism, better productivity and a dramatic reduction in turnover rates. Catco Kids provides a professional turnkey solution. Services include needs analysis, site selection, design, construction, staffing and day to day management.


Franchise Model Daycares

The Catco Kids Franchise Daycare System has been developed in line with the latest trends in the international markets. A complete set of operations control documents, administrative systems, training modules, simple layout plans with space requirements have been developed with a view to a future franchise roll-out. The systems and procedures have been tried and tested successfully through the existing centers. In addition to a simple business model that can be easily replicated by the potential franchisees, the main support through the web-based IT model Catco Kids Childcare Management System®, further facilitates the implementation of the Franchise Model.


Catco Kids Quality Assurance (CKQA) Accreditation Program

CKQA Accreditation is the gold star of early childhood quality. Accreditation is recommended for corporate daycare centers, independently run daycare centers, Montessori schools, and other early childcare development programs. Accreditation helps both parents and management have the confidence that childcare are managed to international standards, especially in health and safety. Accreditation is based on maintaining a rating of 85% or higher on quarterly 360 AUDITS, based on 10 international program standards.


CKQA Certification & Training Programs

CKQA Certification is a continual professional development program which ensures that all early childhood professionals, from center caregivers to administrators, possess and maintain the requisite skills required for work in a quality early childhood program. The CKQA program is unique in that it mandates ongoing training and practical skills assessments in order to maintain certification. A database of CKQA certified professionals will also be available online for easy job recruitment and verification of skills. Three professional certifications are currently available, namely:

Child Care Professional (CCP)

CCP certification requires candidates pass an annual practical skill assessment exam- This certification is appropriate for a center care giver.

Developmentally Appropriate Practices Professional (DAPP)

The DAPP certification requires candidates pass an annual written exam as well as a practical skill observation- This certification is appropriate for a teacher.

Childcare Center Administrator (CCA)

The CCA certification requires candidates to pass an annual written exam – Appropriate for Center



Home Based Child Care Centers

Home based childcare allows trained professional to provide child care services within their own homes. Typically this type of a service is limited to less than 10 children, but is very convenient for both the parents leaving the child as well as the childcare provider. This type of care is not to be confused with ‘baby sitting’ as homecare requires professional training. Catco Kids assists in setting up of home based centers for all certified childcare professionals


Community Based Daycares

Family Resource Center” (FRC) is a Catco Kids community based daycare for poor communities. The first FRC model was set up in April 2007 at Chashma Goth, Karachi in a 2-room Government school building where children were being provided both, with Early Childhood Education and after school tution that help them enter and stay in school successfully. The center currently helps over 75 children and since its inception, has helped more than several hundred.

The Chashma Goth is situated at the outskirts of Karachi, and Catco Kids is actively involved in FRC consultancy at different places of Karachi like Landhi.


The 360 AUDIT Program

Trained Quality Inspectors conduct quarterly center audits based on international quality standards for early childhood education. Audits help management maintain a continuous improvement cycle, and identify any areas that may require strengthening. Audit areas include:

Standard 1: Relationships between the staff and children
Standard 2: Curriculum
Standard 3: Teaching Styles
Standard 4: Assessment of Child Progress
Standard 5: Health
Standard 6: Safety
Standard 7: Families*
Standard 8: Community Relationships*
Standard 9: Physical Environment
Standard 10: Leadership and Management


CKQA Consultancy Programs

Policy Advocacy, research and curriculum development are also one of Catco Kids major work areas that supports our mission. At Catco Kids, contributing to the development of National Quality Child Care System is a key priority. As part of our knowledge-sharing efforts, we have provided various technical consultancies such as development of National Childcare standards, development of teaching methodologies and DAP curriculum, as well as conducted research studies to provide field based data for the development of a National Childcare System